Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Biography of Marco Polo Essay - 765 Words

In 1254, Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy to a very rich Venetian merchant family. His parents are Nicole Anna Defuseh and Niccolo Polo, but he was raised by extended family. His father and uncle were merchants who traveled a lot, and his mother died when he was six years old. In 1262, Marco’s father and uncle made an unforgettable journey to Kaifeng, China to meet Kublai Khan, who is the grandson of Genghis Khan. While they were in China, Kubali expressed a great interest in Christianity. He wanted Marco’s father and uncle to bring one hundred priests and holy water with them when they returned back to China. In 1269, the men returned back to Venice, and immediately made plans for their return, this time bringing Marco along. In†¦show more content†¦By the time of arrival in Persia, only eighteen survived. They then spent two years traveling back to Venice. Once they arrived, it was beyond difficult to become acclimated again. Their faces were now unrecognizable among the people, and their tongue no longer moved in the way of their native language. Soon after, Marco ordered a war against the city of Genoa. He was eventually captured and put into a Genoese prison. He made a friend in prison named, Rustichello. He was a writer. Marco told him about his time spent in China, and Rustichello put it all on paper. His experiences were soon published in his book called The Travels of Marco Polo. After being released from prison, this book turned Marco into quite the celebrity. The book was printed in several different languages including, French, Italian, and Latin, soon becoming the most read book in Europe. Most readers did not believe the stories, and thought of it as a fairytale. Marco stood behind his brilliant knowledge, but moved on with his life. He proceeded to marry the love of his life, and have three daughters. He carried out the fa mily business for twenty five years. 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